Meeting of the Director of Mansoura University Quality Assurance and Assessment Center with the coordinator of students & graduates standard of the University self- study
Within the framework of Mansoura University readiness to apply for accreditation from theNational Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE).
Prof/ Seham Gad Al Haq – Director of Mansoura University Quality Assurance and Assessment Center, hold a meeting on Tuesday 13th of October 2020 at the center hall with prof/ Rania Algammal who is responsible for students and graduates standard, and in the presence of Eng. / Manal Youssef – secretary of theQuality Assurance Center, to discuss the standards of higher education accreditation in the light of blended learning and teaching systems and updating the University self-study to include the academic year 2019/2020..