QAAP Projects

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The project aims at establishing an internal quality assurance system and to achieve more effectiveness and efficiency in academic programs, research, environment and community service by:-

  1. Set the program academic standards according to a specific standards
  2. Creating and developing the quality assurance and accreditation systems
  3. Disseminating the quality assurance culture in higher education institutions
  4. Develop mechanisms to ensure the quality of Egyptian university graduates and their competitive capabilities at the national, regional and international levels.
  5. Building the institutional capacity of University staff members to ensure the upgrading, development and continuity of quality in higher education.

Mansoura University obtained (16 QAAP1 project) to establish an internal quality assurance system from 2004 to 2006

(Faculty of Engineering - Faculty of Science - Faculty of Law - Faculty of Pharmacy - Faculty of Dentistry - Faculty of Nursing - Faculty of Agriculture - Faculty of Arts -Faculty of science – Damietta - Faculty of Education - Faculty of Education – Damietta - Faculty of Physical Education - Faculty of  Specific Education - Faculty of Applied Arts – Damietta - Faculty of Commerce)

Mansoura University obtained (7QAAP2 project) to establish an internal quality assurance system 2008

(Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Faculty of Commerce Damietta - Faculty of  Specific Education Damietta - Faculty of Education for Early Childhood -Faculty of Computer and Information - Faculty of  Physical Education- Damietta - Faculty of Agriculture- Damietta)

